
It wasn’t a date but we met

It was two years ago when i met this guy. We share the same hobby.
One’s a year a few hundred of ‘us’ come together to have a crazy fun weekend.
Imagine a few hundred people sharing the same hobby on one location. Men, women, alcohol and fun. Yes, that’s asking for situations. A lot of story’s go around about men and women getting to ‘know’ each other on this specific weekend.
It was three years ago when I met this guy at this specific weekend. We did the same workshop on a Sunday with a hangover from two nights in our body’s. But that didn’t make the workshop less fun at all. After this weekend we became facebook friends.

This year. From meeting once to facebook friends to meeting again.
The first night I was drunk! When I get drunk I sometimes become reckless. I’m overcoming a bruised rib at this moment. But with all the alcohol in my body I thought it was a good idea to rock the dance floor. I was acting like a experienced metal dancer: pushing and pulling around with the guy’s. Well actually two guys. They were the only once as crazy as me I guess.
Ok, every idiot can say that that is not a good idea with a bruised rib. So after a while I was in tears with pain.
Luckily everybody at this weekend is super friendly and helpful. So a few offered to guide me back to my bed.  G (let’s call him that) was one of them.
The next morning he came up to me saying: I’m worried about you, are you ok? Aahh how kind.
For the rest of that day our eye’s met a few times.
Then there was… the big party night. Such a fun night because it’s always THE big dress up theme night. When I saw him I wasn’t sure what he was dressed up as so I went over and asked. He and his friend where dressed up as wingmen’s. Aaah fun! Then G. started telling me their wingmen strategy. Witch, to my surprise was totally different to the strategy I’m familiar with. So we then had a discussion about what was the best strategy. We agreed that we would try all three versions that night. His version, his friends version and my version. He would try them on me.
His friends version:
Try to be all over the girl and then tell her that you have a girlfriend but your friend doesn’t and is such a better catch then you are.
G’s version: Making his wingmen be all over the girl and touch her and then at the moment it becomes awkward ‘save’ the girl and be the good guy.
My version: When you see a nice girl you want to chat up make sure your wingmen does his job; make sure that nobody come between you, the girl and ‘the good conversation’.
Of course I was full confident that my strategy was the best. First we tried his friends version, then mine and last but not least his version.  It’s probably because of the late hours and amount of alcohol that I was pretty flattered  by he’s way of ‘saving’ me.
That in combination of cracking my code… Ok, I might have to explain myself here. I was a virgin Maria with a digital chastity belt (a HUHG calculator)…made that he kind of won a price…a kiss from virgin Maria.
I’m still convinced that my strategy of the wingmen works the best. But who am I to complain about being ‘saved’.
That whole discussion made us start a new one… He said im very competitive. I say im fanatical. This ‘seed’ of looking at myself need a little more time to either grow or die….


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